Tag Archives: perinatal life support

News item in ‘Het Financieele Dagblad’

Het Financieele Dagblad: Artificial uterus must fool fetus article. –Lex Rietman – 13 February 2021- The Netherlands is also working on the development of an artificial uterus. The TU/e – together with universities from Aachen and Milan – received a subsidy of € 2.90 million from the EU H2020 program for this. One of the…

PLS-complimentary project Juno

PLS-complimentary project Juno Perinatal Healthcare was awarded one of five Eindhoven Engine innovation projects Article translated and adapted from Linkmagazine (Dutch) With an investment of more than € 2.2 million, various innovative challenging projects with potential impact on society and the economy are given additional funds from Eindhoven Engine. Together these projects represent an investment of…