
Third annual PLS consortium meeting

Third annual PLS consortium meeting PLS Consortium MeetingPLS Consortium Meeting Previous Next On the 4th and 5th of October, the third consortium meeting of the international project “Perinatal Life Support (PLS)” was held in Aken, Germany. The PLS Advocate Advisory Board (AAB) and the PLS Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) were also present. The AAB got…

PLS at Dutch Design Week

PLS at Dutch Design Week In October The PLS consortium participated in the Dutch Design week: the largest events in the Netherlands about technology, innovation and design. Key objective of participating in the Dutch Design Week, was to receive input on the concept of an incubator 2.0, as it is a completely new, disruptive and…

PLS researchers present their latest work at recent conferences

PLS researchers present their latest work at recent conferences PLS researchers Bettine van Willigen and Juliette van Haren recently represented the project at ESPNIC2021 and XXVII European Congress of Perinatal Medicine, and gave presentations about their latest work. Read more here! Arielle, the digital twin The PLS system is being developed to increase chances of…

Researchers found spin-off developing ‘incubator 2.0’

Researchers found spin-off developing ‘incubator 2.0’ Photographer: Juliette van Haren. Research Juliette van Haren MSc, dr. Frank L.M. DelbressinePhotographer: Lyla Kok. Research Juliette van Haren MSc, Dr Frank L.M. DelbressinePhotographer: Lyla Kok. Lifetec Lab, one of the partners in the European PLS consortiumImage Reasearch into the Digital Twin model by Bettine van Willigen, MSc (TU/e)…

Get to know Juno!

Get to know Juno! Juno Perinatal Healthcare is a spin-off company of and companion to the PLS project. The startup was founded in July 2021 by engineers Jasmijn and Lyla Kok, medical engineer Beatrijs van der Hout, technician physician dr. Myrthe van der Ven, and Gynecologist prof. dr. Guid Oei. Juno aims to ensure that…

PLS Explained: The Animation

PLS Explained: The Animation Explaining how the PLS project works in under 3 minutes is a challenge, but it is possible! This animation shows the PLS mission, the problem that the researchers are taking on, and how they aim to solve it – all in understandable wording. It can be shown to anyone who is…

POLIMI at European Conference on Biomedical Optics

POLIMI at European Conference on Biomedical Optics Caterina Amendola from POLIMI will be speaking at the European Conference on Biomedical Optics! The presentation is on the same topic as their recent paper: Sensitivity of TD-NIRS in Estimating Neonatal Cerebral Hemodynamics with Homogenous Models of Analysis. The conference will take place online, from 20-24 June 2021.…

New publication

Accuracy of homogeneous models for photon diffusion in estimating neonatal cerebral hemodynamics by TD-NIRS Authors: Amendola, Caterina; Spinelli, Lorenzo; Contini, Davide; De Carli, Agnese; Martinelli, Cesare; Fumagalli, Monica; Torricelli, Alessandro.  Abstract: We assessed the accuracy of homogenous (semi-infinite, spherical) photon diffusion models in estimating absolute hemodynamic parameters of the neonatal brain in realistic scenarios (ischemia,…

PLS at EPNIC conference

PLS at ESPNIC conference Two PLS abstracts accepted by ESPNIC conference Two abstracts are accepted by the ESPNIC (The European Society of Paediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care) conference, which is hosted online at 15-18 June . The follwing abstracts are submitted: – ‘Towards a Premature Fetal Manikin for Model-Driven Simulation to Validate Perinatal Life Support…

News item in Artificial Wombs Are Getting Closer to Reality for Premature Babies – Stav Dimitropoulos – 23 September 2020 – The PLS consortium created a mannequin of 24 weeks-old fetus replicated from MR imaging. published an interesting news item about the mannequin. Read the news item here.