
PLS Feature at Dutch Design Week

Dutch Design Week’s “Drivers of Change” features PLS The PLS project attended The University of Eindhoven’s Dutch Design Week and displayed its work as one of the drivers of change.  “It has become clear to us that, more than ever, we’re facing enormous challenges. Whether it’s climate, sustainability, efficiency, food, healthcare, energy, housing, mobility… there’s a lot…

4th PLS consortium meeting in Eindhoven

The Perinatal Life Support (PLS) project marked another step forward during its fourth consortium meeting on June 21st and 22nd, 2023, held in Eidhoven. Partners from the Netherlands, Germany and Italy gathered to share progress updates, explore new ideas, and address technical challenges. The PLS system aims to improve the survival rates of extremely premature…

PLS is Back in Another De Ingenieur Article

An attachment developed by TU/e ​​to transfer the premature baby in fluid from the mother to the artificial womb. Photo Bart van Overbeeke. A recent article in the popular Dutch magazine De Ingenieur again features the PLS Project in an exciting piece on   “Artificial Alternatives to Vital Organs.”  Elucidating the essential role organs have in sustaining human…

The PLS Project Features in the Latest Edition of NZZ Folio

PLS is proud to announce that the project was recently featured in the latest edition of NZZ Folio, a bi-monthly supplement in Neuen Zürcher Zeitung (New Zurich Newspaper). The PLS project, spearheaded by a team of dedicated researchers and medical experts, has made significant strides in providing a solution for the adverse health outcomes of…

First time right: development of a new generation of incubators using simulations

Extreme preterm birth Clinical relevance Annually, 15 million children worldwide are born prematurely. In addition to short-term complications, such as respiratory distress syndrome (RDS), bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD), necrotic enterocolitis (NEC) and intraventricular haemorrhage (IVH), there are also long-term complications, such as neurocognitive developmental disorders [4]. PLS Technology To improve the life expectancy and quality of…

Artificial Placenta Mini Symposium

Last month the Artificial Placenta Mini Symposium took place! PLS members met for the first time to look at the development of an artificial placenta from different perspectives. A big thank you to Mike Seed, Christoph Haller, and Janna Morrison. Till next time!   Mike Seed:  Division Head, Cardiology, Cardiac Radiologist, Associate Professor of Paediatrics University of…

PLS Features in De Ingenieur

Highly esteemed Dutch Magazine – De Ingenieur – features the PLS Project in its most recent article titled “Connector Piece for Artificial Womb.”  Providing key insight into PLS technology, the article explores the fluid-filled artificial uterus that emulates the natural womb, the bio-bag essential to transferring the premature child from mother to PLS system, and timeframe by…

PLS researchers featured on Dutch television

PLS researchers featured on Dutch television In December 2021, PLS researchers Jasmijn and Lyla were invited to a Dutch talkshow which did a feature episode on life in the future.  Scheefgroei is a Dutch television series of talk shows, broadcast by BNNVARA starting in 2021. It is presented by Jeroen Pauw, with contributions from investigative…