- What do you like most about working on PLS?
I enjoy to be involved in nearly all aspects of the project. From conceptualization to product development and user testing. The group consists of many ambitious people, and it is great to have so much energy bundled together to drive such a moonshot project.
- What is the coolest thing about your field?
To allow creativity and a ‘making and creating’-attitude be part of the scientific process. For me art, design and science go hand in hand, and the field of industrial design is a melting pot of all these disciplines.
- What do you want to achieve with your research?
Hopefully improving the lifes of many extreme premature infants to come. And by using design to achieve this, I hope to improve the design methodologies, such as simulation, in the field of medical innovation.
- Name a value that drives you?
- Share a turning point or defining moment in your work as a scientist?
To study industrial design after my education in biological sciences. Learning by doing in addition to research through observation. To have process and product intertwined intrigues me and fosters creativity.
- What do you enjoy doing outside of work?
Nearly the same things that I do, read and talk about during work: design.
- Name a favorite book/movie/podcast? Why is it so good?
Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions by Edwin A. Abbott. The book has many layers (or dimensions if you will) and is a sublime mixture of the sciences and the arts. It taught me to keep an open mind.
- What is your favorite quote?
Every block of stone has a statue inside it and it is the task of the sculptor to discover it. Michelangelo